Each species on our planet plays a role in the healthy functioning of natural ecosystems, on which humans depend. - William H. Schlesinger

Friday, April 29, 2011

Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center

           In high school, I took AP Biology and each month in each class we had to read and respond to an article in the Missouri Conservation magazine. At that time, things did not matter to be as much as it do today. Going to the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center made me realize many things. I know my blog is suppose to be about animals who are endangered or going extinct due to global warming but going to the discovery center made me realize how ungrateful humans are. It is because of humans that the balance between humans are not balance in any way. Looking at the displays on the wall and in the classrooms and reading about it, I know that is is imposssible to give those animals an evironment that they want and need because what is left of it is impossible for them to live in. Hunting and constructions have killed many those animals off. In many ways, we are responsible for what happens to them.

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